Here you can find all our current weyer spezial brochures as PDF downloads.
weyer special “Exhaust air cleaning”
When developing modern exhaust air purification concepts, a large number of criteria have to be taken into account. On the one hand, the applicable limit values have been tightened by the legislator, and on the other hand, production must not be disturbed by the installation and operation of the exhaust air purification system.

Plant safety
Incidents, accidents at work, defective machines, continuous reactions – there are countless incidents that can lead to a business interruption and for all of them you must be prepared in the best possible way. Your goal is the safe handling of hazardous substances or processes and the protection of employees and plant technology?
weyer special “Biogas plants”
Plant failures cost money, missing inspections and documentation cost nerves when dealing with the authorities – even if it is “only” a biogas plant. To save you money and trouble, we advise and support you on all aspects of plant safety for the technically and legally safe operation of your plant.
weyer special “occupational health and safety”
Comprehensive occupational health and safety is crucial in maintaining and promoting the working capacity of employees. Despite all technical progress, healthy and motivated employees are decisive factors for successful and sustainable company management. This is also where the foundations for comprehensive risk management can be found.
Species protection
As soon as a project or procedure can have an impact on a Natura 2000 area (FFH or bird sanctuary) or significant habitats with protected species, nature conservation expert opinions are required. …
Initial Status Report
With the implementation of the European Industrial Emissions Directive (IED), operators of certain industrial plants are faced with new requirements in the licensing procedure and in operation. According to § 5 (4) BImSchG, when an IED plant is shut down, the plant site must be returned to its former state. …
Tender management
In the field of procurement, contracting authorities are obliged to apply numerous rules. Irrespective of the type of services to be awarded, the extensive provisions of public procurement law must be observed in addition to budgetary regulations and ministerial decrees. …
Construction Auditing
Ihr Unternehmen beabsichtigt zu expandieren und braucht Raum? Größere Baumaßnahmen stehen an oder sind bereits in der Planung oder Umsetzung? …
Inventory of real estate
The professional management of real estate involves considerable financial expenditure and therefore requires a long-term concept. The transparent determination of the current status and future maintenance requirements is the basis for the strategic property management of social, commercial and residential properties …
Fire protection
Every year, fires in industrial and commercial operations cause damage running into billions. If people are injured, it is always determined whether the company management has initiated all necessary fire protection measures in advance. Even if the material assets are usually insured, the economic consequences, such as a long-term loss of production with all its consequences, are often underestimated. …
CFD Simulation
Simulation technologies are becoming more and more important for development processes, process optimization, strength considerations, accident impact analyses and many other technical issues. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is increasingly being used to solve technical problems. …
Objection Management
Public participation is an essential prerequisite for many licensing and planning approval procedures. If the planned project is also the subject of political discussion, the approval authorities are often confronted with a large number of objections …
EMSR technology
We in the weyer group understand services in the field of EMSR technology as part of the whole, i.e. “completely thought through”. Our specialists are involved in the project planning from the concept finding to the basic and detail engineering in order to achieve the optimum result for our customers. …
Energy, KWKG, EEG
Complex questions and obligations arise for plant and network operators as well as end consumers as a result of the Combined Heat and Power Act (KWKG) and the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG). This scope of duties is one of the core competences of the weyer gruppe …
Energy management system / energy audit
Rising energy costs and limited resources represent a decisive competitive factor for many companies. Energy management systems (EnMS) according to ISO 50001 and energy audits according to DIN 16247-1 are the appropriate approach to identify potential savings and take measures to ensure that energy is used more efficiently. …
Energy optimisation
In times of rising energy costs, heat recovery is a central topic in process engineering and of increasing importance for plant managers and engineers of process plants. Already 30 years ago, the Linnhoff pinch analysis was developed for this purpose, which makes it possible to analyse all flows of a process holistically in the form of a heat exchanger network. …
For our customers, engineering services of the weyer group mean an integrated support during the complete processing time of a project, from the process development according to the requirements, the design of the machines and apparatuses up to the securing of the legal requirements for construction and operation of the plant. …
weyer special “Explosion Protection”
In the field of explosion protection, numerous new directives, laws, regulations and technical rules have been issued in recent years. The new regulations increase the operational and organisational demands on the operators: they are burdened with a much higher degree of personal responsibility. The weyer group knows its stuff when it comes to explosion protection.
Land management
Land management increasingly presents itself as a link between urban development, municipal real estate management, business development and environmental protection. We therefore offer public and private clients services ranging from the management of contaminated sites to business and economic cost-benefit analyses and (urban and regional) planning consultancy. …
weyer special “Machine controls”
EN ISO 13849-1 specifies the general control technology requirements of the EC Machinery Directive in the field of the machinery industry and provides safety requirements as well as a guideline for the principles of design and integration of safety-related parts of control systems.
Approval Management
The realization of industrial and commercial projects usually requires environmental permits. It is important for every plant operator to obtain these permits without delays and without cost-intensive ancillary provisions. …
Water protection
For our customers, engineering services of the weyer group mean an integrated support during the complete processing time of a project, from the process development according to the requirements, the design of the machines and apparatuses up to the securing of the legal requirements for construction and operation of the plant. …
Emission forecasts
When planning new industrial and commercial plants from which air pollution may be emitted, in many cases an immission forecast for air pollutants must be prepared as part of the immission control approval procedure. The aim is to assess the effects of air pollutants on the protected goods human beings, animals and plants as well as ecosystems. …
Municipal consulting
Municipal elected representatives must decide today on projects whose effects are often far away in the future. But without reliable development scenarios, it is difficult to make a final judgement. Complex interrelationships as well as the consideration of the public interest therefore require an approach that presents the expected costs and benefits of an investment in the long term in figures. …
Legal Compliance
Compliance stands for the observance of laws and guidelines in the company. Sections 9, 30 and 130 of the German Administrative Offences Act (Ordnungswidrigkeitengesetz) require the company management to ensure that business activities do not result in violations of the law. …
Machinery and equipment valuation
Our appraisals for machines and technical equipment are prepared jointly by engineers and business people and take into account our experience in all areas of machine and equipment operation. Depending on the requirements, we determine the current market value, fair value or replacement value of machines. …
weyer special “Machinery Directive”
The Machinery Directive (MRL) describes uniform statutory health and safety requirements for the European Economic Area (EEA) that must be observed in the design and construction of machinery, partly completed machinery and products equivalent to machinery.
Furnace Simulation
In processes where the process control prescribes high temperatures (> 300 °C), directly fired furnaces are generally used. A distinction is made between process furnaces and refinery furnaces. The most common are refinery furnaces, which are used to heat or evaporate hydrocarbons. …
Owner's engineering
Each implementation of a plant investment requires a competent client team in the individual project phases for project management and support of the construction measures. The Owner’s Engineering Team of the weyer gruppe supports the client as an external, independent partner from the concept definition to the completion of the project. …
For consulting and engineering companies, the recording of employees’ working hours and their assignment to the projects commissioned is an essential part of internal organisation. How many hours and additional costs can be invoiced to which customer? How high is the workload of individual employees? …
Process simulations
For more than 30 years the weyer group has been providing individual engineering services in the field of process plant design as well as expert activities in the field of safety engineering. Within the scope of these activities, various calculation and simulation programs are also used. …
Flue gas denitrification
The efficient and safe reduction of nitrogen oxide emissions is an important task for operators of combustion plants and power stations. Exceeding the limit values for a longer period of time is not tolerable, therefore both a high availability of the plants used for emission reduction and an operation adapted to the different load conditions is absolutely necessary. …
Safety Valves
A central safety-related aspect in the planning of process engineering plants is the effective prevention of impermissibly high overpressures in the process plants in case of operational disturbances. In many cases, this can only be guaranteed by the installation of safety valves – or more generally – mechanical overpressure protection. …
weyer special “Safety Integrity Level (SIL)”
For the professional execution of safety systems (Safety Instrumented System: SIS) in the process industry, proof of compliance with the required Safety Integrity Level (SIL) must be documented as part of the safety life cycle.
weyer special “Simulation of flare systems”
The weyer group solves this problem by providing individual engineering services: Starting with the on-site survey of the flare system, through simulation and weak point analysis, to the planning and implementation of sensible plant engineering adaptations for your site.
Urban development and planning
The basic conditions and prerequisites are always different in every municipality and in every neighbourhood and must therefore always be considered individually and in their interactions. Successful consulting in urban development means finding reliable and resilient solutions to the many different problems. …
Stress calculation
For the professional design of piping systems in process plant engineering, a system analysis is indispensable, in many cases even prescribed by law. The weyer gruppe looks back on many years of experience in the field of stress calculation for piping systems …
weyer special “Tank Farms”
Tank farms fulfil an important function in supplying industry and the national economy. Due to the substances stored, there are very high requirements and demands on the equipment and safety. The weyer group has many years of extensive experience in the planning and redesign of tank farms.
Technical documentation
With the Directive 2006/42/EC for machines (MRL), requirements for technical documentation were amended. Among other things, it contains clear specifications on the content and structure of the documents. In addition, other regulations and standards must be observed when creating technical documentation. …
weyer special “Technical Investment Support”
The realisation of industrial and commercial projects usually requires an environmental permit. It is important for every plant operator to obtain these permits without delays or cost-intensive ancillary provisions.
Thermal waste treatment
Plants for thermal waste treatment are in an area of conflict between economic operation, compliance with legal requirements and perspective development. Particular attention is paid in daily operation to economic operation and compliance with legal requirements. …
The environmental impact assessment (EIA) is a central component of administrative planning procedures. An EIA may be required as part of immission control approval procedures for large-scale industrial and waste management plants as well as planning approval procedures. …
VFI: management system for industrial plants
Plant operators are obliged to implement all permit conditions and to have all permit documents available at all times, e.g. within the framework of environmental inspections. However, especially in the case of larger and older plants, the necessary documents such as permit notices and the associated permit applications are often stored in a decentralized and inconsistent manner. …