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Planning culture: Competition and award management

Public Sector

Complex urban development processes are made up of a multitude of different and partly interdependent tasks. Objective and transparent competition and award procedures and their management are essential for implementing these development processes. As a result, these forms of award secure a binding and resilient decision-making basis for implementing the respective development process.

We advise contracting authorities and private clients on the implementation and management of competition and award procedures. In compliance with public procurement law and the guidelines for planning competitions from the chambers of architects, we perform the procedures properly and in accordance with the law in close consultation with the client.


  • Process advice to the client
  • Development of service descriptions
  • Definition of evaluation criteria; Development of task-related suitability and selection criteria
  • Professional, technical and economic evaluation of proposals and concepts
  • Conducting talks with bidders/negotiations
  • Development of a recommendation for award incl. documentation
  • Management of competition and award procedures: Europe-wide investor selection process, competitive dialogues, realisation competitions in accordance with RPW 2013 etc.
weyer spezial: Urban development and urban planning

The basic conditions and prerequisites are always different in every municipality and in every neighbourhood and must therefore always be considered individually and in their interactions. And that’s what we are all about! Successful consulting in urban development means to show reliable and resilient solutions to the manifold questions and thus to work methodically and practically from one source. According to this philosophy, we offer with our interdisciplinary team of urban planners, architects…

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weyer spezial zum Thema Stadtentwicklung und Stadtplanung

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Martina Klöhn
