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Biogas plant safety

Plant planners and manufacturers

Biogas plants represent an important part of the energy transition. In order to ensure the high availability of plants and their technically and legally safe operation in the future, we provide you with expert and practical support in all areas relating to the plant safety of your biogas plant.

This includes, for example. inspections by experts (Sec. 29a BImSchG, BetrSichV or AwSV), preparation of explosion protection documents, incident concepts, risk assessments and risk analyses, and training courses and technical dialogue.


We inspect your plant in accordance with the relevant legal aspects for explosion protection, Sec. 29a BImSchG and AwSV.

All from one source. All three legal areas can be covered with just one on-site meeting.

  • Explosion protection concepts
  • Explosion protection documents
  • Zone Plans
  • Ignition source evaluations

You can find more information here about explosion protection.

  • Concepts for preventing accidents
  • Safety reports
  • Distance Reports
  • Dispersion Calculations

You can find more information here about the Major Accidents Ordinance.

You can find more information here about hazard analyses.

  • Fire protection concepts
  • Fire protection plans
  • Fire protection officer

You can find more information here about fire protection.

  • Safety requirements for biogas plants TRAS 120
  • Activities in the production of biogas TRGS 529

We are a member of the training association of the Fachverband Biogas e.V.
We would be more than happy to answer all your questions about plant safety in biogas plants in an in-house training session on your premises.

weyer special: Biogas plant safety

Plant failures of biogas plants cost money, missing tests and documentation cost nerves in discussions with the authorities. We are therefore happy to support you in all aspects of plant safety for your biogas plant in order to achieve technically and legally safe operation together with you. Please contact us…

Download weyer special here
weyer spezial zum Thema Anlagensicherheit von Biogasanlagen

Our Team

Photo of Peter Noeldeke of horst weyer und partner gmbh

Peter Nöldeke

horst weyer und partner
Photo by Johannes Gemmeke of horst weyer und partner gmbh

Johannes Gemmeke

horst weyer und partner
Photo of Felix Kalienke of horst weyer und partner gmbh

Felix Kalienke

horst weyer und partner
Photo of Ralf Schiffel of horst weyer und partner gmbh

Ralf Schiffel

horst weyer und partner