The baseline condition report (BCR) describes the condition of the soil and groundwater when certain hazardous substances are used, generated or released in the plant. The BCR serves as a yardstick for the obligation to renaturalise the plant when the IED plant is later decommissioned in conjunction with the final status report (FSR) in accordance with Sec. 5 (4) BImSchG.
The weyer group checks the requirements for preparing an initial status report (ISR), prepares it for you, coordinates all the necessary measures and coordinates with the competent approval authority.
The potential obligation to create an ISR arises from Sec. 10 (1a) BImSchG. This regulation applies to all systems that are labelled with an E as an IED plant in Annex 1, 4th. BImSchV. Pure waste treatment plants are excluded, since waste is not classified as a hazardous substance. The following deadlines apply to applicants:
- New plants: Since the new BImSchG came into force on May 2, 2013.
- Existing plants:On the first major change after 07/01/2014 for the entire plant regardless of whether the change requested concerns the use, production or release of relevant hazardous substances.
- Transition period: Plants that were not subject to the IPPC Directive (directive on integrated pollution prevention and control) from 07/07/2015.
Relevance Verification
On the basis of recognised guidelines, the weyer group verifies whether and to what extent the criteria at the plant site or through the operation of the plant are met that make it necessary to prepare an initial status report (ISR).
The result of this determines the need to prepare a baseline report.
Coordination with the approval authority and preparation of the initial status report
The first step shows whether and for which substances an ISR has to be prepared. The investigation concept is defined in the second step in consultation with the approval authority.
- Coordination of all the necessary documents with the client and the competent approval authorities
- Processing of the verification scheme for verifying substances and mixtures of substances in accordance with the working paper for the baseline report (ISR)
- Documentation of the verification taking into account the model structure for the ISR
- Definition of the investigation concept
- Preparation of the initial status report (ISR): We know from planning practice that only close coordination between all involved parties produces coherent and reliable application documents. To ensure this, we provide you with a coordinator from the weyer group with the right professional experience to support your planning. Therefore, we provide you with a technically experienced coordinator of the weyer group to accompany the planning.
weyer special: Initial status report (ISR) for soil and groundwater
With the implementation of the European Industrial Emissions Directive (IED), operators of certain industrial plants (so-called IED plants) are faced with new requirements in the licensing procedure and in operation. According to §5(4)BImSchG, when an IED installation is shut down, if the operation of the installation has led to significant pollution of the soil or groundwater, the site of the installation must be restored to its former state.
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