Zone plans within the framework of explosion protection
Zone plans are part of the explosion protection document as part of the risk assessment according to § 6 GefStoffV. The risk assessment and thus also the zone plans are to be checked regularly and updated if necessary.
We are your contact in this field and would be pleased to contribute to the safety of your plant.
Services of the weyer gruppe
- Inspection of the plant:
If this is the first time that a zone plan has been drawn up, we will visit your plant as part of an on-site appointment. If a zone plan already exists that needs to be updated, or if sufficient information is available to create a plan, no on-site visit is mandatory.
In this case we prepare the plans on the basis of the data provided by the client. - We then divide your plant into different risk areas when drawing up your zone plan within the framework of explosion protection.
Potentially explosive atmospheres are divided into zones according to the frequency and duration of the occurrence of a hazardous explosive atmosphere. You will receive the fully drawn zone plan digitally to your desired contact details.
On-site appointments
On-site appointments are difficult to implement in the current situation. Despite the possibility of video inspections, a plant inspection without an on-site appointment is always difficult and certainly only useful in individual cases. We will continue – under certain conditions – to visit your facility even in the current situation. Please refer to our internal guidelines as to which requirements must be met for such an inspection. Here you will find the corresponding concept.
Processing time: 2 weeks
(from receipt of all necessary documents)
Executive member of the weyer gruppe:
horst weyer und partner gmbh