Display according to BImSchG
Changes in the location, nature or operation of existing installations subject to licensing require a notification or licensing procedure. Which procedure to choose depends on whether the change is substantial or not.
A modification is substantial and requires a permit if the planned modification may cause adverse effects on the objects of protection (humans, animals and plants, soil, water, atmosphere as well as cultural and other material goods) according to the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG).
A notification procedure is sufficient if the effects caused by the change are obviously minor and the approval requirements pursuant to § 6 para. 1 BImSchG are fulfilled.
In a notification, all information and documents relevant for the official examination are to be compiled which describe the project and show that the changes are not substantial and therefore do not require approval.
The following services are provided on the basis of the relevant information provided by the client:
- Plausibility check of the documents provided
- Preparation of the textual descriptions for the advertisement, in particular description of the project, description of the effects of the project (including emissions, handling of substances hazardous to water, safety, occupational health, etc.)
- Compilation of all documents required for the advertisement (plans, drawings etc.)
Not part of our services is the preparation of plans and technical drawings as well as the preparation of further expert opinions (e.g. sound-technical statement).
The following information is required to prepare an offer:
- Address of the location
- Type of the planned project/installation (to be modified)
- Classification of the installation according to Annex 1 of the 4th BImSchV
- Scope of the planned change
Processing time: 3 weeks
(from receipt of all necessary documents)
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