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Martin Wundram in the role of a hacker – How do you break through an IT security system? Colloquium 2020

878 494 Juri Lasse Raffetseder

Am 18. Juni 2020 findet zum 17. Mal das Kolloquium der weyer gruppe statt. Veranstaltungsort ist jedoch diesmal nicht der denkmalgeschützte Schillingspark in Düren-Gürzenich, zwischen Aachen und Köln, sondern das Internet. Aufgrund der Corona-Pandemie hat die weyer gruppe umgeplant und veranstaltet zum ersten Mal in der Firmengeschichte einen interaktiven Live-Stream. Weitere Informationen zum Ablauf der Veranstaltung finden Sie hier. Das Fokusthema könnte aktueller nicht sein: Der Branchenaustausch dreht sich diesmal rund um die Cyber Security für Maschinen und Anlagen. Insgesamt sieben Referenten werden ihre Expertise und Erfahrungen zum Thema darlegen. Um Sie auf den Thementag einzustimmen, werden wir in den nächsten Wochen unseren Moderator und die sieben Redner vorstellen. 

We now understand that hacker attacks are an increasing threat in the ongoing digitalisation and a challenge of Industry 4.0. Plant operators and manufacturers should not take the topic of cyber security lightly. But how can you check and test your IT security concept? Which methods do hackers use in their attacks?

Martin Wundram is the founder and managing director of TronicGuard GmbH and DigiTrace GmbH. He has already been working as an expert in the IT sector for 15 years. As a publicly appointed and sworn expert for information processing systems with a focus on IT security and IT forensics, Martin Wundram has well-known business partners. These include courts, public prosecutors’ offices, police authorities, companies and private individuals. He also regularly gives lectures, organises training courses and writes as a freelance author, e.g. for the IT magazines “iX” and “c’t”.

In the field of IT security, Martin Wundram has two main areas of consulting: on the one hand, the creation and review of security concepts and, on the other hand, so-called penetration tests. Penetration tests are planned hacker attacks that serve to test systems. How exactly does a penetration test work, you ask?

Mr Wundram will demonstrate and explain this to you live during our digital colloquium 2020. This way, you can experience exactly how hackers proceed in the event of an attack, understand how they develop an initial motivation, and then step by step, with each success, penetrate further into the complex IT infrastructure. The fictitious quarry company “Stein zu Sand AG”, which works exclusively with the help of machines and high-end industrial robots, is attacked. It is therefore a good example of a company in the context of Industry 4.0. Afterwards, you will learn what countermeasures are available to prevent such an attack.

Despite the difficulties caused by the Corona pandemic, we are already very much looking forward to welcoming you to our interactive digital colloquium on 18 June 2020.

Learn more about the colloquium on 18 June 2020 here.

Register here free of charge for the Colloquium 2020.

Do you have any questions? Then please feel free to contact us:

Juri Raffetseder
horst weyer und partner gmbh
Tel.: +49 2421 – 69 09 11 29
E-Mail: j.raffetseder@weyer-gruppe.com