At the recent climate summit in Glasgow, the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees was reaffirmed. To achieve this, it is imperative to reduce emissions and produce less CO2. As a result, the energy transition is also gaining momentum in Germany with the increased production and use of green hydrogen. Hydrogen is suitable for storing energy and can be converted back into electricity for use in industry. It can also be used as a fuel for vehicles. Hydrogen is a named substance in the Hazardous Incident Ordinance – 12th BImSchV, Annex I quantity thresholds (, please observe the laws applicable in your country). However, H2 has a relatively low quantity threshold, so that companies with a storage/handling of 5,000 kg or more are considered to be a lower class major accident facility. Alternatively, production facilities that use other substances listed in the Major Accidents Ordinance may also be subject to the Ordinance due to the quotient rule, meaning that they are considered major-accident facilities. Accordingly, this must be taken into account when planning an electrolysis plant or constructing tank farms. The weyer group has already been able to support customers in various phases of their projects.
Relevant services in the context of hydrogen production & storage
The implementation of hydrogen in industry as a consequence of the energy transition brings with it a variety of relevant services that are of great importance to both companies and governments. By using these technologies, we can take an important step towards a sustainable future. Below you will find a list of services related to the production and storage of hydrogen that may be necessary for your project:
Preparation of feasibility studies
Support within the scope of design planning, e.g:
- Creation of P&ID
- Representation of the entire system in 3D planning software
- Measurement and control technology
- Pipeline planning
- Design of technical systems and system components
- Infrastructure planning
- Process descriptions
- Cost calculations
Preparation of permit applications with all necessary expert opinions
- Examination of admissibility under planning law
- Preliminary environmental impact assessment
- Examination of the applicability of the Major Accident Ordinance
- Creation of fire protection concepts
- Creation of explosion protection concepts (including Ex zone classification, SIL classification, etc.)
- Preparation of safety reports in accordance with the Hazardous Incident Ordinance
- Implementation of HAZOP/PAAG (prediction of deviations, identification of causes, estimation of effects, countermeasures) examinations
- Attendance at public participation hearings (preparation of objections)
- Examination of emission protection issues
- Implementation of hazard and risk analyses
- Inspection in accordance with BetrSichV (commissioning, periodic inspections, etc., please refer to the laws applicable in your country)
- Preparation of risk assessments and operating instructions
- Position of the health and safety coordinator / SIGEKO – Construction site coordination
- Support with the implementation of the Machinery Directive / CE marking
- Clarification of IT security requirements in accordance with the IT Security Act and the KRITIS (Critical infrastructures) Regulation
- Coordination and control of all project participants
Frequently asked questions about hydrogen in plant engineering
Hydrogen is playing an increasingly important role in the energy transition in Germany, as it can be used as an energy storage medium, converted back into electricity and used as a fuel for vehicles. The construction and retrofitting of plants for hydrogen production and storage is therefore becoming increasingly relevant for the industry.
Under the Hazardous Incident Ordinance, companies are deemed to be hazardous incident facilities if they store or handle 5,000 kg or more of hydrogen or if they use other substances specified in the Ordinance and are deemed to be hazardous incident facilities under the ratio rule.
Further questions? Learn more about hydrogen in plant engineering in our free online seminar series!
Your contacts on the subject of hydrogen
Completed customer projects
- AGR Betriebsführung GmbH, Creation of a fire protection concept for a hydrogen production plant with connected filling station
- Wystrach GmbH, Explosion protection concept for a mobile hydrogen plant
- ZAK Energie GmbH, General preliminary assessment of the individual case for a hydrogen filling station & statement on the impact of a hydrogen release