Emission forecast for air pollutants
If you are planning a project in which the emissions from the operation of the plants change or new emission sources arise, it is necessary to prepare an immission forecast for air pollutants according to the Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control (TA Luft).
The basis for the calculation of the additional immission load shall be the dispersion model presented in Annex 3 of TA Luft. First the input parameters (e.g. stack height, volume flow) are prepared for the calculation and generation of the model area. The surrounding buildings are also taken into account.
The meteorological data required to determine the additional load are used in the form of a representative time series with reference to the requirements of TA Luft. This data is obtained from a third-party provider on a project-specific basis.
The calculated maximum parameters of the additional immission load shall be compared to the corresponding immission values of TA Luft for the protection of human health or for the protection against significant disadvantages and nuisances as well as to other recognised assessment values.
The verification of compliance with the minor mass flows according to the requirements of TA Luft is also part of the immission forecast.
In addition to textual explanations, the result of the dispersion calculation is supplemented by graphical representations of the resulting immission load for selected pollutants and presented in a report.
The following information is required to prepare an offer:
- Address of the location
- Description of the planned project (in particular type and number of exhaust sources)
- Is it a procedure with public participation?
- Classification of the plant according to 13th / 17th or 44th BImSchV or TA Luft
- Specification of the rated thermal input of each waste gas source
- Consideration of fugitive emissions necessary?
- Consideration of plant-related traffic necessary?
Processing time: 3 weeks
(from receipt of all necessary documents)
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