Die weyer gruppe berichtet auf der Corporate-Website jede Woche über spannende Neuigkeiten aus der Branche, wichtigen Themen rund um Anlagenplanung und Anlagensicherheit und interessante Kundenprojekte. Heute möchten wir Ihnen noch einmal unsere diesjährigen Gastbeiträge in der Fachpresse vorstellen. Zusätzlich wird dieses Jahr vorraussichtlich noch ein Artikel erscheinen.
- Series of articles on explosion protection by Anna Schöllhorn and Dr Klaus Wörsdörfer
The series of articles by Anna Schöllhorn, expert according to §29b BImSchG, dealt with the requirements for manufacturers and operators of industrial plants in the field of explosion protection. Based on the legal situation and practical examples, Ms Schöllhorn also explains the challenges when it comes to the interaction between manufacturer and operator. - CHEManager article by our cooperation partner Thomas Käfer
With his article “Digitalisation in industry – but safe (yet), standard procedures to increase IT security should be used consistently“, the IT expert and digital forensics expert addresses the vulnerabilities of industrial control systems. Among other things, he describes how security could be significantly increased for all parties involved, for example by encrypting data. - At the beginning of June, Mr. Wientjes, former head of the process engineering department at horst weyer und partner, presented a customer project entitled “Pressure drop investigations in the exhaust gas plant network of a large petrochemical plant, results of a customer project of the consulting and engineering service provider Horst Weyer und Partner“. Here he reports on the procedures in the project, for example the handling of volume flow changes of various waste gas flows or the pipe losses in the system.
- In the June issue of Technical Safety, Maresa Matejit-Papka described how the safety of industrial plants can be guaranteed in Corona times. In doing so, she addressed how authorities deal with inspection dates, which specific requirements were relevant at the time and how safety risks can be limited through appropriate concepts and measures.
Alle Gastbeiträge in der Fachpresse finden Sie auch hier.
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